One of the positives of keeping my editing style personalized is that it lets me tweak and carve out tones and light levels to match specific brands I work with.
Andrew Ettenhofer of Go Grow Coaching is rebranding and redoing his entire website and needed photos to go along with it. The bright yellows and dark blacks are super unique for his brand, and he also has a theme around coffee and beer with his "Brew Up Business" events — if you live in the Denver area and work in sales in any capacity, I highly suggest you check one out. You'll walk away with not just a few more networking contacts, but also a load of knowledge and questions to ask yourself about your business going forward.
As the events are a big part of what he does, and what he loves, we made sure to include some photos for his site and marketing. Here's a great example of how I try to match the wood tones of the event location to his branding colors. Making them match exactly would have looked off, but I could get the tones similar enough that putting the photos next to each other, they keep a nice flow and similar light levels.
Lots of times with branding images I'm not just taking headshots and product shots, but also content shots where text can be placed in the blank area of the images. This is helpful for website banners, social media posts, advertisements, and more.

For that reason, I always take lots of shots that have space around the person so it can be used in content.

As Andrew is a business coach and also offers workshops and presentations, we made sure he had some more formal headshots as well. Whenever I take headshots, my aim is variety—even if I have an idea of how a person looks best in an image, they may have a different view of themselves. I try to take as many shots as possible in different positions and expressions so there are lots of choices. It's unlikely a client will love every angle iteration, but I make sure every image is a positive reflection of the client. This way, they are sure to find at least a few they love!
Even with these more formal shots, I toned the wood to have more of those yellow hues so if they get posted on the website, they'll still have flow with the rest of the images.

Cheers, Andrew! Thanks for trusting me with your branding photos. Looking forward to attending more of your events.